Monday, September 30, 2013

PopSugar Must Have Fall Luxury Box, September 2013: A Review

Isn't that a mouthful? Here is my *FIRST EVER* unboxing video. I wasn't really set up to do a video, but knowing that I was heading in the direction of vlogging, I decided to give it a go. Clearly not the best ever but on the up side, I have lots of room to improve. I don't recommend vlogging in your pajamas. Not ma best look! 

Enough of my chubby arms lets get on with the review! 

I have to say for my first luxury box I was pretty pleased. I did discover after my video that my Cynthia Vincent bag had a ripped seam. I immediately shot an email off to PopSugar and since then a beautiful new bag has been delivered. Dare I say I'm happier with the second bag? The colors are more my style, and its canvas material that will actually hold up as a shopper bag. Props to PopSugar for immediately fixing the problem, no questions asked. 
Christian La Croix Notebook:

Retail: $12 on Amazon. Meh. Its a notebook. One of my dear friends was gushing about some fancy paper planner that was a "designer" planner. Really people? A designer planner. ITS PAPER! Cute, but I can buy cute office supplies at Target for a fraction of the price. I'm not against cute, but I'd splurge on something else. Not something I'd plan to purchase in the future. 
Burre and Sel Cocktail Collection:
Rosemary Parmesan

Retail: $10 from Beurre & Sel. Talk about delicious. I think the ingredients must have been 50% butter. They were pretty darn crumbly, but that's the nature of their shortbread texture. We got the rosemary parmesan crackers/cookies and they were delicious. They were gone in no time! I'd love to try a sweet flavor of their cookie. Apparently its a company in New York that sells these cookies. If I'm in New York, I'd pick up a tube. I'm not sure I'd pay to have them mailed. However, they may be a great gift idea. I'd love to get everyone I love some for Christmas. 

Libary of Flowers: An American Small Batch Perfumery
Wildflower and Fern

Retail: $36 from Library of Flowers. I'm going to throw it out there, and call this a must have. Yeah, its REALLY pricey, but if you want to splurge, this item is worth it. The bubble bath container is so darn cute, its a nice tin. I honestly might keep it and refill it. The scent is heavenly and rich. Decadent even. Very perfumey. It can't explain why but I get a Victorian vibe when I use it. I would definitely buy this brand again. I know they sell other perfumed products but I'd stick with bubble bath. I can't imagine WEARING this rich of a scent on a day to day basis. It also foams amazingly well and the bubbles seem to last. It does just what a bubble bath should do.

 Rachel Zoe knotted ring

Retail: $75 on Piperlime.  I love the gold look right now. The only downside is that my wedding ring is white gold, and I don't like the gold/white gold together. When I wear the Rachel Zoe ring I go wedding ring-less. I love the knotted detail of the ring. I am seeing it so many places right now and I'm glad to have my own piece. This is probably my favorite item from the fall box. 

 Stila Lux Eyeshadow Pallette
Retail: $45 on This is my first Stila pallette. I tend to go drugstore a lot because I find I can get a lot of the same looks. I had high expectations for the color saturation. The first 3 colors in the pallette are matte and I love them. I also love the purpley/pink hughes in this pallette. However, bordeaux, the darkest/deepest shimmery purple, seems to not be very pigmented which was a bit of a bummer to me. The shimmery pink diamond color is amazing. I want to buy just this color to use for everything. The shimmer is almost a glitter but still tasteful. If you like girly, this is the color for you.  I can't wait to see what combinations I come up with. I've worn this pallette twice so far and feel it really is a fall color pallette. The matte colors remind me a bit of cinnamon and fox. Worn with the purples they have a reddish hue. I have brown eyes, and these colors seem to work well for me. I have yet to try the deep teal heart of the ocean color. Their are a few youtube videos on this pallette with some great ideas but it seems endless. The "smudgestick" eyeliner that comes with the set oddly enough does not seem to smudge out very well. It has some serious staying power
12th Street by Cynthia Vincent shopper bag

Retail: $85 on Piperlime. Meh. This shopper bag has a boho type of feel which is not my style. The first one I received I will have to fix the seem before using but the silk fabric does not seem like it would hold up at all. I have no idea what you would use it for. The second bag they sent me seems so much sturdier, like it was actually meant to carry something. I'm sure I will utilize these but I'm not sure for what. If you like boho chic these are the bags for you! The patterns are beautiful. The colors are rich. I actually have used the shopper a few times to throw stuff that I'm carrying to work. Lunch, water bottles, whatever I need. It is still not something I would buy for myself but that is the fun of a must have box! 
Goldfaden MD: Doctor's Scrub
Ruby Crystal Microderm Exfoliator

Retail: $75 on Amazon. I am most definitely not the person to go to on exfoliators. Not because I don't like them, rather I LOVE them. I always want my skin to feel smooth and soft. I probably lean more toward over using them. My go to exfoliator is St. Ives apricot scrub, which my bestie aesthetician tells me is complete crap. I don't care, I love it. My go to chemical exfoliator/peel is an Avon glycolic peel. I could sing my praise for exfoliation for days. So when you send me a ruby crystal microderm scrub? I go nuts! I have to tell you, it feels like you are taking a fine grit sandpaper to your face. Seriously. For my skin I would say twice a week tops! Younger skin or sensitive skin may only need to use this once a week. It does a great job, but it is heavy duty serious microderm. So if you dig the little gel-like balls that they try to pass of for exfoliation this is NOT for you. It does not have much of a scent which I do not mind at all. Would I buy it again? Possibly. 

As you can see, there were quite a variety of items in the box. The retail value to me seems worth the $100 I spent on the box. I also LOVE to try new products. I am excited to see if they do another winter "luxury box" I would recommend PopSugar! They do have a monthly subscription box service you can check out here: PopSugar Must Have

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