Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I don't sweat, I glisten!

Full disclosure: I received this Secret Outlast clear gel antiperspirant/deodorant for free. In return I am not required to be cheesy or give glowing reviews, just the honest opinion of the product. In keeping with this honest spirit I'll let you know that prior to receiving the product I was not looking to change my deodorant. 

As a teenager I changed my deodorant a lot. Always trying new scents and brands. Then as I got older I started using Dove. I've used Dove ever since. I'm not really a sweaty person or a sweater as we like to say in my family so I never really worried that much about what I used. I sort of bought into the beautiful armpit advertising. Clearly I needed moisturized armpits...  even at the cost of potential white marks on clothing.

So let me spill my secrets (haha, see what I did there) about my stench. 

I'll admit something that absolutely drove me away from trying Secret clear gel is just that. Gel. Wet sticky armpits. Not exactly a feeling I'm looking forward to having. The first couple of times I put it on I was not used to the wet sensation. It dries very quickly though. After using it for awhile now I don't even notice that it is a gel. No big deal. I don't really have an explanation of how and what changed but I feel fresh when I get that first wet feeling. Like a satisfying moment somehow. Weird, I know. 

I may not sweat a lot, but honestly, if I don't reapply my deodorant every morning I get to be less than pleasant to be around. This is where Secret Outlast changed my mind. I can apply Secret Outlast and it will actually keep me smelling lovely day two if I forget or am feeling lazy. I can tell you I was most definitely smelly with Dove on day two. Ever have a lazy day and you catch a wiff and think, "Good God, that can't be me!" No? Me either.... This "48 hour odor protection" seems like the real deal. 

I recently traveled and had my Secret with me. The air pressure of flying pushed a bunch of it out into the lid. I was kind of cranky about the whole scenario.I got over it.  I put on my big girl britches and dialed down the deodorant to give it some extra space for the flight home.  Problem solved! Just a word of warning.

Otherwise I'm completely happy with how well this works. My other secret? I don't know that my armpits are any less "beautiful" with a different deodorant. Who measures armpit beauty anyway? 

I love going into a product review thinking I know what it will be like and then having my mind totally changed. Secret- you have a new fan of your Outlast Clear Gel.

The scent of this Secret Outlast is "completely clean". It smells so fresh. I really am loving it. But I'm interested in trying their Paris Romantic Rose scented deodorant as well. They also have lavender but I have a strong aversion to anything lavender scented. Or unscented if that's your wish. 

And speaking of beautiful armpits, they do offer an Outlast product (solid) with Olay in them. I personally don't think I'll go back from the clear gel.